Workshop training on Ecodesign and Environmental Protection at the Zelená Lagúna Hotel (Domaša Dobrá, Slovakia)


On October 29-30, 2024, a workshop training on Ecodesign and Environmental Protection was held at the Zelená Lagúna Hotel (Domaša Dobrá, Slovakia) within the framework of the PROMATAI project.

The event was attended by 25 scientists and industry representatives (16 in person and 9 remotely) from Poland, Slovakia, Greece, and Bulgaria. Presentations covering four divergent topics were presented at the training, from research methodology and intelligent control and supervision systems to Eco-Design and Protection of intellectual property rights and their maintenance. Discussion of such important topics as Eco-Design and protection of intellectual property rights simultaneously with scientific topics is important for modern European society development.
A tour of the LPH production facilities in Vranov nad Topľou was held for all training participants.